Transportation Description for Passengers with Care Needs

I. Definition of Passengers with Care Needs

The term “Passengers with Care Needs" in this document refers to passengers who need special care due to their physical and mental conditions, or can only be carried under certain conditions, such as wheelchair passengers, stretcher passengers, blind passengers, deaf or mute passengers, pregnant and postpartum passengers, unaccompanied child passengers and other passengers who may need care service.

II. Boarding Precaution for Passengers with Care Needs

(1) When the aircraft is flying at high altitude, the air pressure and oxygen density gradually decrease, which is very easy to induce or aggravate some diseases, especially leading to the deterioration of the health condition of passengers with respiratory, heart and cerebrovascular diseases, and pregnant women in the perinatal period and babies newly born will also be affected.

Here, we recommend: before you plan to travel, you should consult the attending doctor according to your physical condition, truthfully inform us of your health condition, and provide the suitable-for-flight medical certificate issued by the national level II and above hospitals (including clinics, medical centers and hospitals abroad) within 48 hours before taking off. With the consent of our company, you can buy tickets and take the flight.

(2) In order to provide better services for caring passengers, when boarding a flight, please go to our manual check-in counter for relevant services.

III. Limit on the number of Passengers with Care Needs

In order to meet the requirements of Civil Aviation Administration of China for flight operation safety, our company has different number limits on transporting passengers with care needs on different aircraft types. In the case that aviation safety and passengers' safety cannot be satisfied, if the company cannot provide passenger care service in transportation, we will confirm your service requirement and try our best to provide you with relevant assistance.

Category of Passengers

Number Limits

Infant passengers

A320 family: 12;

B787-9: 20.

Unaccompanied children

A320 family: 5

B787-9: 8

Passengers with disability who are not accompanied, but need assistance from others during emergency evacuation

A320CEO, A320NEO, A321CEO: 4;

A321NEO ACF and B787: 6.

Unaccompanied WCHC passengers

A320 family: 2;

B787-9: 4.

Stretcher passengers

A320 family: 1;

B787-9: 1.

IV. Category and Service for Passengers with Care Needs

(I) Infant passengers

Due to the weak resistance of the body and immature respiratory function of new-born infants, it is easy to cause injury to them due to the large change of air pressure during takeoff and landing. For the sake of passenger safety, we will not accept carriage for infants born less than 14 days and premature infants born less than 90 days.

Each adult passenger can only carry a maximum of two infant passengers. If more than one infant passenger is carried, a ticket must be purchased at the child fare and a seat will be provided by Juneyao Airlines. To bring two infant passengers, an application must be submitted to the 95520 Customer Service Centre 24 hours prior to the flight departure.

(II) Infant bassinet

1. Number of infant bassinets equipped in each flight cabin:

(1) Number of infant bassinets equipped in the cabin of A320 family aircraft: 2. Infant bassinets are not provided in business class.

(2) Number of infant bassinets equipped in the cabin of B787-9 aircraft: 4. Business class and economy class provide 2 infant bassinets respectively.

2. When booking tickets, you can book the infant bassinet through the direct ticket office or calling our customer service hotline 95520.

3. Size and maximum load of infant bassinet

(1) We would like to remind you particularly that, the infant applying for a bassinet should not exceed 75cm in length and 11kg in weight.

(2) After the aircraft takes off, the cabin crew shall hang the infant bassinet together with the adult passengers travelling together, and check whether the infant bassinet is properly installed; the infant bassinet will be stowed 30 minutes before landing.

(III) Pregnant/postpartum passengers

1. For pregnant women being pregnant less than 32 weeks (inclusive) our company can transport them as general passenger, except who is not suitable for the flight based on diagnosis.

2. During purchasing the ticket and taking the flight, the pregnant women being pregnant between 32 weeks and 35 weeks are required to provide suitable-for-flight medical certificate issued by the national level II and above hospitals (including clinics, medical centers and hospitals abroad) within 48 hours before taking off.

3. In order to ensure your flight safety, we will not carry pregnant passengers who are pregnant for more than 35 weeks (inclusive), and pregnant passengers whose due date is approaching but the correct date cannot be determined, but are known to have multiple births or are expected to have delivery complications.

4. For pregnant women and postpartum women less than 7 days, we will not carry them to ensure the flight safety.

5. Due to high altitude hypoxia caused by flight, in order to fully protect the safety and health of pregnant and postpartum passengers, if you choose to take the flight, you should truthfully explain the situation to our company. If there is an accident due to failure to truthfully explain the situation, our company will not undertake any responsibility.

(IV) Unaccompanied children

1. Definition of unaccompanied child

(1) A child who is over the age of 5 but under the age of 12, and is traveling by air without accompany of an adult (a person who is over the age of 18 and with civil capacity).

(2) A child is considered unaccompanied if traveling with an adult seating in a different cabin class.

(3) Unaccompanied children only need to buy children tickets with no additional charge.

2. Application for unaccompanied child service

(1) Passengers should call our customer service hotline 95520 12 hours before flight departure to apply for unaccompanied child service. Our company has a clear limit on the number of unaccompanied children on each flight. In order to ensure the smooth travel, please apply more than 12 hours in advance.

(2) On the day of boarding, unaccompanied children must present valid identity documents (such as ID card, passport, household register, etc.) of the children and their parents or guardians, and provide the name, valid ID card, address, contact number and other information of the pick-up and drop-off person.

(3) Unaccompanied children should be accompanied by their parents or guardians to the boarding location. After the flight arrives at the destination, ground staff of our company will greet and handle the handover procedures with the pick-up person after confirming that the information of pick-up person is correct.

(4) Some countries issue visas for children who needs accompany (e.g., C–VISIT-CHILD ACCOMPANIED), indicating that the visa requires that children must be accompanied by designated adults, and children cannot enter a country alone. If your child needs to fly with such a visa, we will not be able to handle unaccompanied child service for you.

(V) Passengers with medical conditions

1. In order to ensure the travel safety of passengers with medical conditions, when you buy tickets and board, it is required to provide suitable-for-flight medical certificate issued by the national level II and above hospitals (including clinics, medical centers and hospitals abroad), within 48 hours before taking off.

2. Juneyao Airlines has the right to refuse transportation for passengers with the following medical conditions, unless specially arranged by Juneyao Airlines in order to save lives:

(1) Acute onset or infectious period of various infectious diseases;

(2) Mental disorder patients in state of illness, who may endanger life and property of other passenger or himself/herself, or aviation safety;

(3) Severe anemia, hemoglobin below 50% of the standard, or red blood cells below (2.5-3) *1012/L;

(4) Myocardial infarction occurred within 3 weeks without complications; myocardial infarction occurred within 6 weeks with complications or severe congestive heart failure;

(5) Severe hypertension with complications;

(6) Intracranial hypertension and in the risk of cerebrovascular accident;

(7) Epilepsy that is still difficult to control after treatment, severe asthma, pneumonia, bronchiectasis and acute pulmonary edema;

(8) Gastrointestinal surgery performed within 10 days or thoracic surgery performed within 20 days;

(9) Spontaneous pneumothorax within the last 2 weeks or with artificial pneumothorax or pneumoencephalography;

(10) Cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis and pulmonary pneumothorax;

(11) Gastric ulcer bleeding or hemoptysis less than 3 weeks;

(12) Intestinal obstruction and possible Canton hernia;

(13) Severe otitis media and paranasal sinusitis affected the ventilation function of eustachian tube, and otitis media which has not recovered after surgery;

(14) Open injuries of limbs requiring surgery, but neither surgery nor bandaging is performed;

(15) Surgical suture of unbandaged skin trauma;

(16) Fracture patients with high risk who are not suitable for flying as assessed by the company;

(17) During check-in and boarding, passengers suffer from severe bleeding, continuous vomiting, continuous moaning, dyspnea, sudden falling and other obvious symptoms that are not suitable for taking the flight;

(18) Unstable vital signs caused by various reasons or suffering from other diseases that are medically considered unsuitable for taking the flight.

3. Please call our customer service hotline 95520 for more detailed information on applying for transportation service for passengers with medical conditions.

(VI) Unaccompanied blind and deaf/mute passengers

Unaccompanied blind passengers and unaccompanied deaf/mute passengers shall meet the following conditions if they take aircraft independently:

1. Call our customer service center 95520 12 hours before the flight departure to apply. Once Juneyao air transportation regulations are met, and our confirmation and reply are received, we will make proper arrangements for you.

2. Passengers shall be accompanied to the boarding location by their families or carer; after the flight arrives at the destination, ground staff of our company will greet and handle the handover procedures with the pick-up person after confirming that the information of pick-up person is correct.

3. For blind passengers accompanied by adults, the reception and transportation conditions are the same as those of general passengers.

4. Please call our customer service center 95520 for more detailed information on applying for unaccompanied blind passenger transportation services.

(VII) Elderly passengers

At present, Juneyao Airlines has no special requirements for elderly passengers as long as the elderly passengers are in good health and suitable for flight. However, on the day of boarding, the staff on site will judge whether the elderly passengers are suitable for flight according to their physical conditions for the sake of aviation safety.

For those who are suffering from coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cardia-cerebrovascular disease, asthma, and other elderly passengers who are not suitable for taking the flight, please provide us with appropriate medical certification when taking the flight, and go to our check-in counter for relevant formalities.

In addition, our company can provide free "unaccompanied elderly" service for elderly passengers over the age of 65 who take the flight alone and need assistance. You can call our customer service center 95520, or apply for relevant services at our check-in counter or through Juneyao Airlines official website, Juneyao Airlines APP, official Wechat account and other channels.

(VIII) Wheelchair services

1. The wheelchair services that we can provide are divided into three categories:

(1) Ground wheelchair service: wheelchair service provided for passengers who can get on and off the aircraft by themselves and walk back to their seats in the cabin but need assistance only between the terminal, apron and the aircraft.

(2) Boarding wheelchair service: wheelchair service provided for passengers who can’t get on and off the aircraft but can walk back to their seats in the cabin.

(3) Onboard wheelchair service: wheelchair service provided for passengers who are completely unable to walk and need the assistance of others to enter the cabin seats.

2. How to apply for wheelchair service?

(1) For passengers applying for boarding wheelchair service and onboard wheelchair service, please call our customer service center 95520 48 hours before flight departure for application.

(2) Please call our customer service hotline 95520 for more detailed information on applying for wheelchair transportation services.

3. If you bring an electric wheelchair, you must arrive at the airport 2 hours in advance on the day of flight and contact our staff to handle the check-in procedures.

(IX) Stretcher service

Company accepts stretcher passengers under limited conditions:

1. Passengers and their carer should call our customer service hotline 95520 at least 48 hours before the flight departure to apply. Once Juneyao air transportation regulations are met, and our confirmation and reply are received, we will make proper arrangements for you.

2. Only the economy class stretcher passenger’s transportation will be accepted and handled.

(X) Onboard oxygen service

You can use your own portable oxygen concentrator (POC) approved by the destination country or certified by FAA, or apply to our company for onboard oxygen service (the company needs to provide oxygen usage equipment).

1. Passenger service with own portable oxygen concentrator

(1) Portable Oxygen Concentrator (hereinafter referred to as POC):

POC is a device that separates oxygen in the air by means of molecular sieve technology and provides the user with oxygen.

Juneyao Airlines only accepts the POC equipment list certified by the United States FAA. FAA has conducted electronic equipment interference test and authorization for some products of specific manufacturers, marked these POC products, provided certification list, and indicated the labels of the following statements in red font:

The manufacturer of this POC has determined this device conforms to all applicable FAA acceptance criteria for POC carriage and use on board.

You can also visit the following website to query the latest POC brand and model issued and certified: gen/

(2) For passengers who plan to use POC continuously on board, please provide the suitable-for-flight medical certificate issued within 10 days before the scheduled flight departure, which must include the POC equipment to be used on board and the signature of the registered doctor.

(3) You need to provide the duration of continuous power supply of all batteries used for the whole voyage, and confirm whether the carried battery can meet the needs of the whole voyage + 3 hours.

(4) Please arrive at the airport of departure for check-in at least 60 minutes before the deadline for check-in.

(5) The capacity, quantity and packaging of the batteries you carry on board must comply with the relevant regulations of the company on lithium battery transportation.

(6) For specific regulations on the use of portable oxygen concentrator device, please call our customer service center 95520 for more detailed information.

2. The company is required to provide oxygen equipment

(1) If passengers need to use medical oxygen devices in flight, please call our customer service hotline 95520 48 hours before flight departure to apply.

(2) Oxygen service is paid service and the cost is not included in ticket price.

(3) For passengers applying for onboard oxygen service, please provide us with the suitable-for-flight medical certificate issued by the national level II and above hospitals (including clinics, medical centers and hospitals abroad) within 48 hours before taking off. The suitable-for-flight medical certificate must contain the relevant contents of "maximum oxygen volume and maximum oxygen flow required per hour during flight and the signature of the registered doctor providing this certificate".

V. These regulations will come into effect and take Effective from 20 March, 2024. From the date of entry into force, the "Shanghai Juneyao Airlines Co., Ltd. Transportation Description for Passengers with Care Needs” released on 20 September, 2023 shall be repealed at the same time. For tickets purchased before 20 March, 2024, the transportation description applicable at the time of purchase still apply.